Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Accapella Bad Wolf

I thought that this was an interesting interpretation of the wolf. I thought of it when I was reading the Perrault version which makes the wolf a sexual predator and LLRH a sexual figure. Likewise, the song presents the wolf as a sexual predator disguised as a courtly lover or gentleman. The sexual threat is coded in the hip thrusts, which we find funny. To trick LLRH he plays the gentleman or courtly lover. He compliments her, tells her her big her heart is and offers to escort her. The song plays with us by changing up the conventional phrases and presents them from the wolf's perspective. "What big eyes you have?" and "What full lips you have?" The song makes LRRH sexual charged just as Perrault.
January 27, 2009 11:02 PM

1 comment:

  1. Hi Jasmine,

    its interesting that you chose to post a video. Well, what you could do, to make this easier to view on the blog, go to NEWPOST and then select EDIT HTML instead of COMPOSE(on the right hand side of the writing space).

    Well, I see it as also being important that you write something too, to explain to the rest of the group
    1.what the wolf says and
    2.what you think of that and well,
    3.how it could be connected to the readings or class discussions.

    By doing so, I think people viewing the video will know what it is that grabbed you and what they should look out for, when watching it.

    I hope this helps.

